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State "Twelve five" emission reduction

add time:2013-07-12



recently, the state council issued "on the issuance of" second five "comprehensive energy conservation program of work notice" to determine the next five years, the general requirements of energy conservation, the main objectives and priorities.
to strengthen energy conservation management, proposed to promote building energy efficiency. development and implementation of green building programs of action, from planning, regulations, technology, standards, design and other aspects comprehensively promote building energy efficiency. strict implementation of new construction building energy efficiency standards, raise the standard rate of implementation. northern region to promote both heating and energy-saving heating systems in buildings, the implementation of "energy greenhouse" project, the transformation of the old heating pipe network, implementation of heat metering and energy quota management fees. good summer and cold winter area building energy saving. promote renewable energy and building integrated applications, promote the use of new energy-saving building materials and recycled materials, continue to promote bulk cement. strengthening public building energy regulatory system, improve energy audits, energy efficiency publicity, to promote energy saving and operation management. study the establishment of buildings using life-cycle management system, strict building demolition management. strengthen urban lighting management, strictly preventing and correcting excessive decorations and lighting.

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